Scientific Merits
Scientific Distinctions
- Awarded National Championship medal by the Minister of Health in recognition of contributions to the national fight against preterm birth and death, June 2012.
- Awarded an international medal by the INDEPTH Network for contributions to the growth of newborn research, November 2011.
- Best oral presentation at the Federation of African Medical Students Conference, Johannesburg, South Africa, 1996.
- Second-best oral presentation at the Federation of African Medical Students Conference, Nairobi, Kenya, 1997.
Communication with the Community
- Member, Vaccines Advisory Expert Committee, Uganda National Academy of Sciences.
- Member, Uganda Medical and Dental Association.
- Chairperson, Uganda Red Cross Society, Iganga branch.
- Vice Chairperson and founding member, Uganda Development and Health Associates (
- Outgoing chairperson, Reproductive Health Uganda, Busoga branch, Uganda.
- Executive member, Uganda National Association of Community and Occupational Health (UNACOH).
- Member, Karolinska Institutet and Makerere University Steering Committee.
Practical Trainings and Other Qualifications
- High Performing Teams Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 30th April to 28th May 2022.
- Effective Training Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 25th September to 6th November 2021.
- Become a Better Leader Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 22nd October to 19th November 2022.
- Building Executive Presence Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 27th March to 8th May 2021.
- Strategic Leadership Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 4th June to 2nd July 2022.
- Organizational Conflict Management Online Training Series, MUBS Leadership Training Centre, 24th July to 18th August 2022.